Now the poison dodge is kind of a general all around protection setup where things that might make you sick just flow away. There are all kinds of angels out there in the world, human angels like myself, who have been using this method for millions of years. It is something we all kind of come equipped with when we are just starting out. It is like basic equipment given to you during boot camp.
We all understand that their is a common enemy in this world: evil. We know that on any given occasion there are demons are that are trying to kill us. These demons can literally will poison into perfectly healthy food. What we must do is take every step we can to either weed out the demons fromt he situation, or have our security team control and fix any kind of food or drink we imbibe.
I love to eat. I love to have tasty drinks. But I have not gotten sick from food in a really really long time. That is partly because my insides are somewhat doing the work for me. I could ingest poison and it would literally get pulled out as I digest it. I am 41, and many thousands of years old in the other world, and some of these methods I teach in this book have become so locked into my general makeup, that I barely think about them anymore. Every time I show up in a body, it is standard equipment, like bootcamp.
We all understand that their is a common enemy in this world: evil. We know that on any given occasion there are demons are that are trying to kill us. These demons can literally will poison into perfectly healthy food. What we must do is take every step we can to either weed out the demons fromt he situation, or have our security team control and fix any kind of food or drink we imbibe.
I love to eat. I love to have tasty drinks. But I have not gotten sick from food in a really really long time. That is partly because my insides are somewhat doing the work for me. I could ingest poison and it would literally get pulled out as I digest it. I am 41, and many thousands of years old in the other world, and some of these methods I teach in this book have become so locked into my general makeup, that I barely think about them anymore. Every time I show up in a body, it is standard equipment, like bootcamp.