17 - The Never Ending Trap

Funny thought right?  You woud think that being a demon itself is enough of a trap.  But sometimes I do not erase a time.  Sometimes.  A very small amount of time.  But often times I need to trap him or her so my team can prepare whatever might be needed.

I spend a lot of time in casinos.  Well.....if you call 30 minutes a week a lot of time.  But I truly enjoy it because there are so many souls that are being plagqued there.  So I walk through a little, take out some demons, and make might exit.  But not before I have used something called The Never Ending Trap.

The demons are inhabiting an innocent soul.  As I pass through I distract the demon, and yank him into a Trap.  What kind of trap you say?  Well, we all kind of look at a prison cell as a trap right?  Well, that is one type, but I like to use all kinds of things.  Like being trapped in a bottle of booze, or a TV, or name your place.  All of these infinite type of things can be used as a trap.  You can use some many things there is almost no end to it.  You all have heard of trapped genies, and that obviously is one way to do it, but I kinda just detaining a demon while my crew figures out the best thing to do with him or her.

I cannot do it all you know.  I do a lot, but sometimes more complicated strategies are needed.

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