2 - Funds Explosion

How about this one?  Huh folks?  Sound good?  Sure, who does not like money.  But angels do not use money like normal people.  We need a certain amount at a certain time for certain reasons, reasons only God is aware of.  So if you find yourself lacking for something that you need for a mission, you drop this spell into your prayer box and get right to it.

Now I am not listing prayers folks.  I am telling you steps to go through to arrive at the right spot to use whatever spell I am explaining.  This is not asking God for stuff.  This is equipping your arsenal for spiritual battle that really is never ending.  So check out these lessons carefully.  You will need all of them at some point.  How do I know that?  You would not be reading this book otherwise.

Folks you cannot do the debt thing.  Debt is used for extreme emergencies only.  You do not carry cash.  You do not tell people how much money you have.  You do not travel to countries where you can get immediately held up.  And worst of all, you do not waste money.

When I was a kid my grandfathter would routinely pass out some pretty large bills to me and my brothers and cousins.  One time he was so generous that I actually scored a 50 dollar bill.  So I devised a plan.  I would hide the money where no one could see it.  It was in my wallet but hard to detect.  So this bill traveled with me for about six months, to the point where even I forgot about it.

Then one night I was going through a Taco Bell drive through.  I had ordered a decent amount of food and had expected to pay for it with my ATM card.  Well, the card failed.  This was pre-Internet folks, and we could not easily check our balances without hoofing it to a bank.  So I reached to the heavens and asked God to show an answer.  Then the 50 fell out of my wallet!  Plenty of money to cover the bill.  I did not have to suffer the pain or embarassment of dealing with something I could not pay for.

So remember...no waste, no debt, no cash, and no traveling to places where you can get jacked.  The previous story occured many years ago, and now we are in 2017 where virtually all developed countries have great plastic cards or codes on phones to pay.

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