9 - Animal Communication

You would think this is impossible, but that is far from the truth.  What you see in the movies is totally and completely real.

Animals can definitely talk to angels and humans.  You just have to dial them in properly.  Now this is definitely getting into a form of telepathy.  And I guess you may end up being better with humans, but animals are a quick next step.

So yes when I talk to my animals at my house it is very easy.  But when we are at someone else's house or when we go to the zoo, it is easy to discuss problems and wishes and joys with all the animals.  And yes they do start to collect around you and make noises at you.  They are smart!  They are really smart.  Life is fun when you are constantly saying hi to animals at friends' houses.  Not only do they enjoy it but you can get some great information from animals.

I used to think this was impossible.  Then I discovered that I had been doing it on a certain level for many many years.  The dogs and I had been talking for years. My family actually just bought a hamster and he is a pro at it.  Almost like he has been talking to humans for many years.

So take a shot at it.  Animal Communication is a fun spell that everyone can easily get into.  You will find yourself getting more joy and getting more work done when the animals around you understand where you are coming from.

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